Sunday, October 28, 2012

Taylor Swift Hates Talking About Her Exes?

It’s only natural that from the discussion of Taylor Swift’s new album, Red, Ellen DeGeneres passed on to the singer’s ex-boyfriends, for there are quite a few songs about broken relationships.

During her talk show on Thursday DeGeneres, possibly remembering Swift’s sweet duet with Zac Efron, was curious whether there had been something between them, but was somewhat disappointed to learn that the duo had never dated, and no songs on the new album are about Efron.
The poignant song "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" was the one the talk host used to get to the bottom of the 22-year-old hit maker’s heart. DeGeneres prepared a slideshow of everyone who was rumored to be Swift’s date at one time or another, and suggested the singer point out three of them by ringing a bell, giving the audience a broad tip to make their guesses.
The singer was aghast at the idea, fearing that it would end up in her getting “angry emails” from the guys, but complied. DeGeneres drew no reaction to the photos of Ashton Kutcher and Justin Timberlake, but obviously disturbed Swift with those of John Mayer, Taylor Lautner, and Cory Monteith.
Finally the unnerved Swift yowled for DeGeneres to stop, telling her she was beginning to “feel so bad about myself.” She told the host that whenever she came to her show she got shown a photo of a man, and a different one every time, which got her down. “It just makes me really question what I stand for as a human being,” complained she.
Swift was answered that maybe she had to appear on the show more often, and at that the mystery of the song remained unrevealed.
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